

about a year ago, the kim family moved to seattle with nothing but a few suitcases and a very new baby. since then i have not only fallen in love with the thoughtful and determined desmond wolfie, but also with his beautiful parents. in august, we were lucky enough to gather in a park to celebrate desmond's first year of life. secretly, i was not only celebrating him, but my new friendship with his parents and the future adventures we will  share. 


p.s. julie has a great blog that is pretty much always adorable.



if you ever hear me say, "next year i want to..." or "last year i learned a lot about..." you can pretty much guarantee that the year i am referring to is the one that starts in september and ends in june. for me the year is exactly nine months long. this, of course, creates three months that are not technically in any year at all. (they couldn't be because they are better than all the other months and they would make all the other months too jealous.) ninety magical, non-working days. days where i wake up to the sun shining through my french doors, slowly sip coffee, and then do exactly what i want all day long. some days that means i ride in a hot tub boat (the best day!), some days i organize my shoes, and some days i hop in the car with my bestest for an impromptu road trip. this year i am having a particularly difficult time transitioning from this sunny, dream world to my new year. i want to spend a few more days lying in the grass at the park, eating summer salads from to-go containers and drinking soda water. i want to spend a a couple more mornings listening to records with my sweetie while we make breakfast so late it's almost lunch. i'm not quite ready for it all to be over, not ready for the new year to start and the sun to slip away. so, tonight i'm sorting through pictures from this summer and trying to hold on to the magic just a little bit longer.
yep, it was a good one.



i plan to write lots and lots about how amazing this trip was and how much i adore these girls, but right now i only have time to share the pictures. best. trip. ever.



i just started editing the pictures from last week's trip to mexico with the girls. i have many hours of editing ahead of me, but i love looking at the faces of these lovely ladies and remembering our amazing week together. i have a hunch that editing these photos won't feel like much of a chore.
cool times.



i love to dance. i always hum and ha about it at first, but once i start i can't stop. i love, love, love it. our dear friends rob and erica just posted pictures from their wedding last summer and i stumbled upon this little shot of me dancing my heart out.
see? doesn't that look fun? 



found this delightful video while i was waiting for snow.



on the eleventh day of the instagram challenge, i was suppose to take a picture of where i dream at night. i was oh so excited about this one because i love our bedroom. as you may know, my sweetie and i just bought our very first house. jordan grew up doing drywall and so on the first tour of our new home he said that all the walls would have to be skim coated when we moved in. i was busy falling deeply in love with a window seat and planning s'more making parties for a fireplace and covertly testing out the hardwood floors for dancing, so at the time i just nodded and said, "yes, definitely skim coating, uh huh."

well, it turns out that skim coating makes a mess and i don't mean a manageable mess. i mean dust that is somehow unable to be vacuumed or swept up in every crevice of your house. dust that follows you to work on your favorite frye boots and sneaks into the lid of your coffee cup and makes a home on the nose of your black pup. about a week after we moved in jordan started skim coating the bedroom and i immediately turned into the worst version of myself. i said things like, "why can't we just paint... i hate skim coating... when will this be done?" i know, i know, terrible wife behavior. in the middle of this project i had to leave town for a work conference. usually when i leave i choose to imagine jordan sitting on the couch surrounded by ice cream containers and frozen pizzas, a pup under each arm, weeping because he misses me so much. however, on this particular occasion i was unable to conjure up that image. instead i envisioned him dancing around in his underpants like tom cruise in risky business, glad to get me out of his hair because i was being oh so delightful about the skim-coating.

five days later i returned. i had forgotten almost forgotten about the skim coating and was just glad to be home. after five nights in a hotel, sleeping in a city a time-zone away, i didn't care about returning to the mess. i was just excited to hug my sweetie and pet my pups and look at my house and think, "i bought that. i'm a grown-up." in the back of my mind i knew that the house would probably still be filled with white dust, but i didn't care anymore. i was just glad to be home.

but when i walked in the front door i was greeted by two jumping pups and no dust. jordan walked me back to our bedroom and in an instant i knew why he had insisted on doing all that stupid skim coating. our walls looked like white porcelain, like fondant from a wedding cake, like snow. a room that had looked a little more tired than vintage had come to life.

now our bedroom is my favorite room in our house. i'm so lucky that i have my sweet husband to teach me that its okay for life to be a little messy sometimes.



when i was born my parents lived in a log cabin on acres and acres of land. in the winter they strapped me into the backpack and cross-country skied to their friends' houses or into town. in the summer i went back into the pack as they traveled to tropical locations or went on hikes or played horseshoes in their backyard. i like to think that someday when i have kids i'll discover that our family has inherited that same adventurous spirt.




these books are on shelf in my classroom and no one ever reads them. i have been teaching for eight years and not one student has ever picked up a babysitters club book, much less devoured the entire series like i did when i was nine. i wanted to be stacy. she was oh so brave and knew so much about boys and music. i decided to bring home boy crazy stacy and now, as i read it, instead of thinking stacy should go for it with the older boy, i find myself worried that she is going to get herself into trouble. i want to yell, "stacy! that stupid scott is going to break your little heart. he's such a douche bag. sure, he's a lifeguard and that seems really rad, but i promise he'll still be managing an applebees in ten years and that is not something you want to get all tangled up in. don't waste your time." i think she should go learn to paint or start playing the oboe or learn mandarin. i guess that's why i'll never be stacy.

which babysitter did you want to be?



there is nothing i adore more than my little one eyed wonder. sure he may have itchy skin and he may only have one eye, but he loves being the little spoon and he sings happy birthday. the perfect pup, i'd say.

sigh. look at that face.



there is a photo-a-day challenge circulating instagram right now. it's fun to slow down and capture bits and pieces of my life in pictures. oh, and snooping peeking into the lives of my friends isn't too bad either.