

if you ever hear me say, "next year i want to..." or "last year i learned a lot about..." you can pretty much guarantee that the year i am referring to is the one that starts in september and ends in june. for me the year is exactly nine months long. this, of course, creates three months that are not technically in any year at all. (they couldn't be because they are better than all the other months and they would make all the other months too jealous.) ninety magical, non-working days. days where i wake up to the sun shining through my french doors, slowly sip coffee, and then do exactly what i want all day long. some days that means i ride in a hot tub boat (the best day!), some days i organize my shoes, and some days i hop in the car with my bestest for an impromptu road trip. this year i am having a particularly difficult time transitioning from this sunny, dream world to my new year. i want to spend a few more days lying in the grass at the park, eating summer salads from to-go containers and drinking soda water. i want to spend a a couple more mornings listening to records with my sweetie while we make breakfast so late it's almost lunch. i'm not quite ready for it all to be over, not ready for the new year to start and the sun to slip away. so, tonight i'm sorting through pictures from this summer and trying to hold on to the magic just a little bit longer.
yep, it was a good one.

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